
Sunday, March 13, 2022

Sunday Morning and TV Shows

 Sometimes, a Sunday morning spent with HOT coffee and guilty pleasure TV shows is what the soul needs.  I, like other people, enjoy a good drama TV show.  The kind that transports you directly into the show.  Where you become so immersed in the characters, that you form a connection, that you think about the shows, the problems, the characters when the episode is over.  This is how I spent this morning.

I got up a little later than normal - thanks time change, and did a little morning yoga.  Once I was relaxed and stretched out,  I set my Keurig to make my first cup of joe.  Sundays are the one day where I drink my coffee hot and without any form of work.  I like to sit on the couch, put the feet up on the recliner, and turn on the TV.  I will admit that I record too many tv shows... Grey's Anatomy, Station 19, This is Us and so many more.  I don't find time during the week to watch all of them, I watch a few here and there, but Sunday is my day to sit and watch.  I don't rush, I don't work, I just revel in the quiet and the drama of them all. 

This morning was no different.  I have been waiting all week to watch This is Us.  I hate that this show is ending, but I can see the beauty in ending it before it becomes less than what it is.  This week's show was so good.  It transported me into their lives and then had me reminiscing about Thanksgiving at my house growing up and Thanksgiving's as I have gotten older.  I haven't had as much drama as the Pearson's seem to always have, but I have had my share of drama-filled Thanksgivings! 

Isn't this what TV is about?  To entertain, to make a connection, to give me a break from day-to-day life? TV can (and maybe should?) be like a good book.  You lose yourself in the story and can't wait to turn the page or watch the next episode or talk to your friends about what happened on the latest show. For me, Sunday mornings are the pause I need to take on a new week.   


  1. Warm coffee and getting lost in something, like TV, sounds perfect. I am glad you are taking the time. I must be watching the wrong shows, it's been a long time since I've felt really invested in characters on TV. But I like how in your writing you focus on that feeling of being taken somewhere.

  2. When I saw the @Sunday morning shows” tag, I expected to find which Sunday morning shows you watch. I watched one episode of Tjis Is Us, maybe two. I liked it but something detoured me, and I haven’t returned to the show. I think entertainment is one purpose of television but certainly not the only one. I often think about Neil Postman’s essay “Amusing Ourselves to Death,” which I recalled this week while reading “Readung Dangerously,” which concurs w/ Postman’s analysis.

  3. Sounds like a blissful way to spend Sundays ... I might have to try this out. I have not watched any of the This is Up episodes this year. Saving them to stream them at once. Can't wait!!

  4. I love everything about your post. I'm also very happy you didn't give any of This is Us away from the episode as I am 2 shows behind still! (Thank you Grad school.) Anyhow - thank you for showing how self care really can take you anywhere.
