Friday, March 4, 2022

Social Media

 I am not going to lie... I enjoy social media.  I am a lurker - you know the kind of viewer who looks at posts but never comments.  I belong to many teacher groups and workout groups.  I like to see what people post. I like to see their success and how they achieved it.  I am the best possible lurker.

Through these groups, I have learned so many things.  For example, in my fourth-grade groups, I have found so many new lesson ideas or mentor texts.  I have signed up for professional learning and get updates when new products are coming out.  Sometimes the post just inspires me to try something new or gives me solace in the fact that we are all having another challenging year. At other times, I realize that I am so blessed to teach at my school, interact with my kids, and work with such wonderful people.

In my workout groups, I have learned so many things. They have helped me with counting macros, given me ideas on new cookbooks, or just that extra bit of information that I need. I follow many of the Beachbody trainers - this gives me insight into new programs or hybrid calendars.  I just get good stuff from the workout groups. 

Just this week I saw an amazing way to teach the difference between narrative and informational writing.  I jumped right on the idea, bought the books - and it worked! My kids were more prepared to begin their next piece.  It is things like that, that make social media enjoyable.

Now, not all social media is good, I know that.  There are so many examples of negativity, misinformation, and hate.  Today, I am focusing on the good. I am choosing to see the positivity in my aimless scrolling. Guess I better get to scrolling...


  1. There is a lot of good to social connecting spaces, even with the myriad of problems, and to be on the sidelines as observer (lurker is always the wrong word) is perfectly normal and acceptable, and what many people do.

  2. It is all about the reader's purpose - sounds like it is working for you. Even a good lesson for your young readers to learn - how do you know if social media is helping you or not helping you and what do you do about it?

  3. True, the internet has changed our lives and how we deal with social media depends on us.

  4. You’re using social media in the best possible way. It can be a wonderful way to connect. It can also be sort of a summarize news source if you follow the right accounts.

  5. A few years ago Twitter was my go to for PD. I learned so much from teachers on Twitter. I agree there is so much on social media but you can be tactful and use it carefully.

  6. Connecting on social media with colleagues or teacher groups can be very inspiring. Twitter is a great place to gather information. The chats provide asynchronous PD that is worth the time.


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