
Saturday, March 5, 2022


Relationships are important whether they are with family, friends, co-workers, or with students.  I really believe that relationships can be the key to students' success.  They really are the key to a happy life - if you have positive relationships in your life, you are just happier.  Sometimes relationships are hard to cultivate, to maintain, to begin but they are so worthwhile once they are established.

I try to build relationships with my students.  I want them to feel as if they can come to me when they need someone.  I want them to feel successful, to be proud of their hard work, and to know that I am in their corner.  I want them to try when things are hard and to know even if they fail I have their backs.  

So I do things like go to ball games, concerts, or ballet recitals.  I ask them about their days, or what they did at home last night.  I am silly when it is time to be silly... I let them see that it is ok to be silly (at appropriate times). Above all, I treat them with the respect.

Just yesterday, I was walking back with students from checking on our chickens.  We were walking down the empty hallway, and I was in front. I could see, and hear, them jumping up to touch the flags.  Boys love to jump up and touch the flags in the hall.  It's totally a big no-no! Well, these two kids are such nice kids, they are hard workers and ALWAYS try their best.  They just couldn't resist jumping to touch the flags and were giggling in that fourth-grade way. (There is not a better sound in the world!) So since I was in front, I jumped up and touched the next flag.  The hilarity that came from them was priceless!  They guffawed, were in awe that I could get that high, and were impressed that I tried.  Score one for relationship building - these boys will remember that the next time I ask them to work on something that is hard.  They will try a little harder because they want to impress me.

Relationships are key. We would all be better served, as people or educators, to build relationships with people.  My "kids" at school know I am in their corner and in turn, will try even harder in their academic endeavors. 

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