
Thursday, March 11, 2021

Things I Have Learned

 It has been a year since the world changed for so many of us.  That sounds so dramatic... but it did change.  We have lost our normal, our security, and for some our lives.  Covid has drastically changed the way in which we view the world, each other, and things may never be the same again.  I choose to see what is positive about this situation... I refuse to be mired in the muck of negativity.  I have decided to reflect on the things that I have learned. So here goes, here are my musings on what I have learned.

1. Toilet paper, paper towels, Lysol wipes, and cans of Lysol are something people really need.

2. I have come to recognize the various brands of "Lysol" wipes by their smells... they are not all the same.

3. People need people.

4. My family is pretty cool.

5. Watching your children navigate this new normal is humbling and rewarding.

6. I have raised some really resilient children, who in the face of a pandemic rose to the challenge and created a new normal.

7. Kids need face-to-face school - sure some perform well virtually - but they need the interaction of their peers, the closeness of their teacher, and the overall structure of face-to-face school.

8. Staying connected with family and friends is very important - even if it's virtually.

9. People need to choose kind - wear the mask - I know that is not popular for some people - BUT it is one unselfish way to help mankind.

10. Smiling with our eyes has become a skill.

11. Likewise, giving the "stink eye" has become an art form!

12. People need to annunciate their words - it's hard to hear with a mask on

13. People can rise to any challenge that is put in front of them.  

14. We will get back to normal - sometime soon... I hope!

I think I could go on and on.  My most important takeaway from this past year is that I can adapt to anything, that I can stay true to who I am even in the face of chaos and I have raised children who can do the same.  I can't wait to see what this next year will bring us... but for now I will keep on keeping on!


  1. Great list! Every uear we learn things but this year is different. Your list captures it well!

  2. #3 is my choice. This last year has shown how I truly need people around to feel alive. I've never missed hugs so bad in my life. What truth you share in this post, and quite eloquently.

  3. Yes to ALL of your post! Thank you for reminding us of all that has been gained over the last year. It is easy to focus on what has been lost but the gains are HUGE! I am glad I could stop by your blog - the blue sky background is GORGEOUS!

  4. People need people, at all ages. And I think in situation like this it is extra important to be kind to each other.

  5. I love that you have so many learnings that include your children and what they have learned and their resiliency. Beautiful! Number 12 is one that is so true, ESPECIALLY in a country where there are so many different accents and levels of English. Even before covid masks, it was work to understand people. Now there is another layer (literally) separating our communication.
