
Sunday, March 28, 2021

Sunday Mornings

 Today, I slept until 6:51! That might not sound record-breaking to you... but to me, it's the equivalent of a high school kid sleeping in.  I have always been a rise early, go to bed early kind of girl.  My body's natural clock is set to early bedtimes and early morning wake-ups.

For me, rising at 4AM to work out is perfect.  I am in a better frame of mind to work out in the morning.  I like to get it done before the day begins when the house is quiet, and no one needs me.  It is the one time I can completely focus on myself.  I have tried after school, but something always gets in the way, or I am too tired from working all day to put forth the maximum effort. 

I like to get to work early.  Not that many people are there, and the few who are there are like-minded... we all want to get our work done.  There is little chit chat... just nose to the grindstone kinda work happening.  I can get so much done! I have tried after school, but something always gets in the way, or there are too many people who want to stop and chat.  It ends up taking twice as long and I don't get it all accomplished. 

I get up early on my days off too! I can work out and can get the bulk of my school work done.. grade papers, enter grades, write this blog, write my class blog, etc. Once the house wakes up, I focus on being present for them.  So, I don't mind the early wake-up.. it's not 4 but usually 5:30 ish.  

Waking up early and going to bed early is what works for me.  It always has.  I remember in high school barely being able to stay up past 8:30.  I missed so many TV shows that everyone always watched because I was asleep. (Sadly, the same thing still happens!!) Everyone is different, even in their sleep patterns. I gave up trying to change it a long time ago... the beauty of self-acceptance!

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