
Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Quiet Time

 I love the early morning quiet....the sound of birds waking up and the quiet hum of life waking up around me.  I love the stillness of it all and the hope that each dawn brings.  

I have always been an early riser, my internal clock seems to crave the solitude and quiet of the morning.  Currently, I get up a little after 4 to begin my day.  I start each day with a workout... a chance to get my mind right and my body prepared for what the day will bring.  I enjoy a quiet cup of coffee and scrolling through social media.  It is a mindless pursuit of stillness.  I know what the day brings for a teacher whether we are in the middle of a pandemic or not.

I even love the quiet of my school before people arrive.  I look out at the empty desks and anticipate the noise, laughter, and hard work that will happen today.  I can set my intention for the day, look over plans, and ease into the ever hectic life of a teacher. In all honestly, I can get a lot of work done before anyone else arrives and I have easy access to the copy machine!! I mean isn't that worth the early wake-up in itself!?!

I know that there are some who crave the late-night shift... maybe it's the adventure of it or maybe the late-night is calm and quiet for them. I can't begin to understand... I can't make it up past 9! I hope that everyone finds the time that their soul craves. Whether it is early morning, late at night, or a quiet moment in the afternoon.... we all should acknowledge the stillness, the quiet of our surroundings, and give our minds a rest.  We all deserve some quiet time. 

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