
Friday, March 13, 2020

Well, that was fun...

Well, if you happened to read my post yesterday you knew that my school/district has closed for the foreseeable future. How crazy is that... the words that were used were until further notice.  That is so ominous sounding.  That was definitely the feeling today at school.  Today was the last day for who knows how long.  The kids kept commenting that it felt weird, and very much like the last day of school.

It sure felt like that to me.  The last day of school is always a crazy mix of getting a ton of stuff done and managing the energy of kids who are excited about an extended break.  The kids were off the chain, so to speak.... equal parts excitement, nervousness, and fear of the unknown. When you add in the fact that it was Friday the 13th, it was one big giant crazy day. 

As a teacher, I was trying to manage my lessons all while trying to make sure the students have all the information they need for next week.  I was also chatting constantly with my team to develop our unified plan to prepare lessons for the kids.  Whew! It was one point I said to a friend that if someone doesn't have a heart attack it would be a miracle.  We were running around like crazy people all while trying to maintain a modicum of calm. 

We made it though!  I am not sure how we did it but we did.  The kids all made it home with what they will need to be successful.  The faculty meeting was held and all the new ever-changing information was handed out.  Emails were sent.  Team meeting and more planning was done.  All in all a very successful end to a historic time. 

Now on to the next learning.


  1. These are certainly uncharted waters for many of us. So much to learn for students and for us! Good luck!

  2. THis is an unprecedented break in normal. Hang in there.

  3. Friday the 13th! I hope your kids aren't old enough to know that superstition. Good luck with the new digital framework -- I hope it all works out for everyone, teachers and students.

  4. Sounds like you managed a crazy, weird day with great finesse. And teamwork. Kudus. Enjoy your weekend! It may not feel so weird after a few days. I am on day 4 or 5 of staying home and it's getting normal.

  5. Today was our last day for 2 weeks. It was only announced late last night, but the word spread quickly : half the kids were gone today.
