
Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Porch Sitting

The night was the perfect temperature, you know the one, not too hot, not too cold.  I can actually sit outside without any type of sweatshirt on, which is an amazing occurrence. My husband, who is never home at twilight asks if I would like to sit on the back porch.  Our porch is free from bugs as it is screened in, faces our backyard so the sun isn't an issue on this perfect night.  We stroll out and sit on our blue slider and begin to reflect on the day. 

The discussion starts with our most talked about topic which is the COVID - 19 virus.  We reflect on the changes and lament on how it is affecting us and our community.  I repeatedly tell him that I wish that I could hit fast forward, a refrain he has heard a million times.  See, I am not good with the unknown, he knows this and nods his head.  He has run out of things to say to my comment, so a nod of his head will suffice.  He also knows that I just need to talk it out, get these things out of my head so we can enjoy our porch sitting.  I guess being together for 25+ years will do that to you!

The topic quickly shifts to the yard work we did today.  I describe in detail the power our youngest son had when he was axing down the bushes.  His hard work at the gym was clearly paying off.  We laughed at how our college-age son who in typical fashion, didn't see the point in yard work but begrudgingly went outside to help. He was a champion root ball digger and made quick work of all the bushes that we dug up.  The yard topic shifted to what we had on tap for tomorrow, more ax swinging and root ball digging for the boys and pulling weeds for us.  Pulling weeds.... not my favorite part of yard work, but the ivy from next door has slowly made its way back into our yard and must go.

While we have had our peaceful discussions, the boys have been playing basketball.  This may sound like a great way for boys to release energy in this time of social isolation.  But anyone who has boys know the game goes south quickly.  I quickly become distracted by the increasing rough play, the raised voices and the tension that is building.  I look at my husband to gauge his reaction and typically he has that "boys will be boys" face on.  I am not a fan of that face! I know where this is heading and my quiet porch relaxing is taking a less than relaxing turn.  Sure enough, they are done, doors are slammed, words exchanged and they head to their respective rooms.  Wonder when that behavior will stop? 

Porch sitting.... a wonderful way to end a week of isolation, to connect with those who are the most important to you.... until your almost grown boys turn a friendly game of basketball into hand to hand combat.  #momofboys


  1. I am a fan of porch sitting, so I was drawn in by your title. These "ordinary" memories are the ones we cherish, especially when times are extraordinary and we long for simple routines and tasks. I'm glad you have yardwork to busy your hands, and the boys' behavior, not out of norm, to ponder.

  2. What a true and beautiful slice of life story. You focus on a small moment, you tell an internal and an external story, and you help your readers connect this story to something bigger. Well done!
