
Sunday, November 15, 2020

It's Been Awhile

 It has been a very long time since I have attempted to write this blog.  I hadn't realized that it had been months until I showed my blog to my students.  I was shocked to see that it had been that long and equally as shocked to realize how much I missed it.  I really need to make more of an effort to write!

So much has happened since my last blog.  My school district went from fully virtual to a phased approach back to the classroom.  Elementary went first, so I have been back in the classroom for almost seven weeks.  Kids were given the option to choose to return face to face or to remain virtual.  Teachers were asked to teach both the virtual kids and the face to face kids.  Needless to say, this has been a transition for us all! 

The kids have adjusted to all the new procedures and routines.  The virtual kids seem to be adjusting as well.  The teachers.... well.... we are doing the best we can.  It is extremely tiring to manage all of the things that we are being asked to do.  Each week it appears that there is something new to do or more children are joining virtually.  I don't think I have gone to bed this early in my life!! For so many people I know bedtime is moving earlier and earlier.... although some people's bedtime is getting later and later.  Weird how that works!

I do feel like we are getting back to some level of normalcy. Having kids in the building, hearing their laughter, watching them finally understand a concept.... are all such normal things.  Now, I know we all have masks on so it is not totally normal... but it is a start.  We have to capture these moments of our new normal and hold tight to them. 

We have to hold on to what is precious and to what makes us happy.  If I have not learned anything else from 2020, I have learned that time is fleeting, normalcy is precious, letting go of what was is paramount, and kindness is the answer.  Oh and don't hog the toilet paper or the Lysol wipes!!

I will write more... I will make more of an effort to embrace something that I enjoy.  It will not be three months before I blog again.... at least I hope not :) .